Bestrocknrollband.com passed
300,000 hits on Sunday, September 7, 2008!!! Thanks to everyone for visiting. Check back often for new pictures and stories.
Hey, don't delay, submit your stuff today.
...of the best on-line music scrapbook
on the web!
Eric Burdon. Photo from "Mike the Collector" |
Eric Burdon and friends backstage in Cleveland, Ohio, circa mid 1970's |
Click on Eric Burdon to enlarge the photo.
is a site dedicated to showcasing hard working rock n roll bands, the men and women who comprise them,
and those of us who appreciate them and their craft. The purpose of this site is to provide a forum
for devoted fans of rock n roll from around the world to experience their "fifteen minutes
of fame." We're talking about folks who have had the good fortune to get close to the stage at
a concert or who have met with a famous musician or band backstage and talked with them...and have the photographs to prove it!!! (the shots
of Eric Burdon above and the Motor City Madman Ted Nugent below are examples). We mean the personal photographs we
have had taken, not the ones we've all seen over and over again - you know, from fan magazines, album or CD
covers, or official websites. Forget the professional, copy-written ones, we don't want them.
We want to feature pictures taken by us...for us. We at bestrocknrollband.com envision this site becoming
something comparable to a family photo album, filled with photos previously shared only with those closest to us.
It's time to brag it up a bit, to tell the story behind the photos, and to share those photos and stories with others
who will appreciate them as much as you do. In growing the site with real stories and pictures
of our favorite artists (and us, their biggest fans!), it is bestrocknrollband.com's intention to make sure
that "...a splendid time is guaranteed for all." We
want to see as many pictures and stories of big time, famous bands and artists as possible. But...make
no mistake, this site is for photo's and stories of ANY and ALL bands and artists, no matter their level of
famousness (is that a word?). Past, present, and future bands. It's all good. Hey, the Beatles,
the Rolling Stones, and Ted Nugent were each up and comers once too, ya know. They say that any
publicity is good publicity, so bring it on.
our motto: "...kick out the cams brothers and
sisters." -If you're a fan of 60's
Detroit rocknroll, you'll be able to identify the song from which our motto is taken (with a slight adjustment)...do
you know???
Now for some rules and regs:
1. Only above board photo's will be posted. As much as we'd like to see some,
no dirty stuff allowed!!! Sorry. 2. Please allow at least 24 hours for your submission to be posted.
We'll do our best to have them posted ASAP, but bear with us...we're new. 3. Include the artist/band
name, location, and the date with your photos, so we can include it in your posting. Include the music
genre your artist/band falls under. We know, the site is called bestrocknrollband.com, what gives with this genre
crap??? We had to pick a name for this site and we're rock 'n rollers first and foremost. ALL
music is cool. Anyhow, we will seperate the submissions we receive into categories, i.e., rock 'n roll, metal,
jazz - you get the idea. Viewers can spend time looking only at what they like, or can check it
all out. 4. The pictures submitted by our viewers are the property of the person who submitted them. 5. Finally
(for now, anyways), if you think of anything you would like to see the site provide, just let us know. If we can deliver
it, we will.
bestrocknrollband.com Get your "Fifteen minutes of fame" (or more) here!
The Who - Richfield Coliseum, Cleveland, Ohio 1982 |
Click on the ticket stub to enlarge it. See more in Memorabilia (Ticket stub courtesy of Fitzy) |
Pictures and stories of Local, National, and International musicians and groups wanted... famous or not!
Lou, Ted, and Donny |
Ted Nugent - backstage - DTE Energy Theater, Clarkston, Michigan, June 22, 2007. |
All styles of music and memorabilia wanted. Let's share it all.
Signing a guitar for a 94.7 WCSX charity giveaway |
Ted Nugent - backstage - DTE Energy Theater, Clarkston, Michigan, June 22, 2007. |
Thanks for stopping
by. We hope to begin receiving and posting YOUR pictures and stories right away. Go to your
scrap books, picture phones, junk drawers, and cameras, and get busy scanning those treasures into your computer.
Send them to us on our e-mail link just below (look down!!!), and we'll do the rest. Tell all your friends.
Thanks, bestrocknrollband.com
Take a look at this creative and new web site. It showcases personal
pictures and stories of past or present local bands and solo artists. It's also a forum where you can have your personally
owned pictures of famous bands or solo artists posted, and tell the stories behind them. Tell the "who, what, where,
when, and how," for each one. If you're in an up-and-coming band or are a solo artist, ask that a link to your You
Tube, Facebook, My Space or website be added. Widen your exposure. Our site was launched November 4, 2007, and has already
had over 345,000 hits! It's growing
fast. Best of all, it's free. Get your stuff on a site that showcases everyone together, famous or not. Be noticed. They
say that any publicity is good publicity. We agree. All styles of music are cool and accepted. If you don't see your genre
listed yet, don't worry. Tell us what it is and we'll add it. Be the first to be seen in that category. Check us out
Here are some examples of what's been submitted
so far. Look through each page of this site and read the stories. Click where it tells you to and enjoy the ride.
Click on pic to enlarge it. |
Abbey Road street sign, circa February 2001. |
Click on pic to enlarge it. |
Steven Tyler, Joe Perry, and Brad Whitford - Aerosmith live in Las Vegas, 2007. |
Click on the pic to enlarge it. Photo circa 1966. |
A young Don Henderson, lead guitarist of The Gang. |
Click here to go back to the top.
Copyright © 2007 - 2008 WaBean Productions